More people are surviving thanks to the advancement of technology,
but diseases like dementia and alzheimers that occur during old age
are seeing a rise and it's predicted that there will be a shortage of
physicians in the future. What's the solution to this growing problem?
Artifical intelligence.

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Research from the past let the AI decide from "no disease" to "disease",
but since that is not how clincians diagnose their patients, this new research
can be more useful and realistic than past research. In cases where neuroligists
are too busy to provide care to patients, this breakthrough in AI would allow the
doctors to get a diagnosis of the patient while doing other busy work.

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Researchers designed a model that could take large amounts of data
like the ones usually taken during a check-up and the patients medical
history. It's able to get the exact data needed that's used in decision
making. It's said that AI in the future will have a 92 percent accuracy
at detecting diseases and could help doctors give patients better advice.

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