Cyrus Kharabaf

Computer Science 1

Welcome! My name is Cyrus Kharabaf and this is my website for GITA 1.
C# is a modern programming language where we
learn how to make Windows applications. This is my first
year of programming and my goals are to continue with coding
all the way into college. To download C# for yourself here is the
link to the program we used.
Visual Studios Community

Goodbye Project


In this project we translated goodbye in different languages. The purpose of this project was to introduce us to C#.

Help Page


In this project we created a help page for our company. The purpose of this project was to get comfortable with labels and pictureboxes in the program.

Mailing Label


In this project we created a mailing label that would automatically display it in the correct mail format. The purpose of this project was to take info from the user and organize it.

Car Rental


In this project we created a car rental website where users can rent a car. The purpose of this project was to give the user an option.

BMI Calculator


In this project we created a calculator that calculates your body mass index. The purpose of this project was to use math to convert a score into another.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project we created a car rental website where users can rent a car. However, this time you can choose what car and any upgrades you want on your car. The purpose of this project was to upgrade the first Car Rental by adding more options with combo boxes and list boxes.

Test Score Calculator


In this project we take the score of two tests and calculate the grade for each test and the average. The purpose of this project was to use math in our programs.

Dice Program


In this project you roll the dice and it will show you how much times you rolled it and the chance of landing on each number. The purpose of this project was to learn how to use random.

Craps Dice Game


In this project we created a vegas dice game. The purpose of this game was to learn how to use random to create a game.

Slot Machine


In this project we created a slot machine where the user can input "money" for the game to run. The purpose of this was to use numbers and chance to create games.

T-Shirt Program


In this project we created a t-shirt shop which multiple different shirt sizes. The purpose of this was to wrap up everything we learned from the first semester into one big project.

Rock, Paper, Scissors!


In this project we created a rock paper scissors game for two players. The purpose of this game was to learn how to use combo boxes to make a game.

Submarine 1


In this project we created a submarine simulation where a sub could move up or down. The purpose of this project is to learn how to use arrays.

Submarine 2


In this project we created an upgraded submarine simulation where two fishes could move up,down,left or right and choose the speed where they move. The purpose of this project was to learn how to use arrays, and how to control them.

ESPN Project


In this project we created a program that took statistics of two football teams and displays it. The purpose of this project was to learn how to use a menu strip and organize info.

Tic Tac Toe


In this project we created a tic tac toe game. The purpose of this project is to learn how to make games through instructions.

Basic AI Game


In this project we created a game where the user controls a character and an AI is chasing him.



In this project we made it so the user can see the sequences of numbers for different patterns



A pattern of labels that make it look like you are flying through space. The purpose of this was to learn how to use labels to create a realistic visual of space.

Fish Aquarium


In this project we created an aquarium with 20 fish using an array and it can either die from the shark or the fish hook. The purpose of this project was to learn how to control multiple AI at once.

Number Array


Creates an array of 5000 numbers that are randomly set to numbers 1-5000 and finds it's highest, lowest, and average amount. The purpose of this project was to learn how to create large and random arrays of numbers.

Basic AI Upgrade


An upgrade of the Basic AI game where instead of one invader there is 20 invaders created from an array. The purpose of this project was to learn how to create multiple AI enemies instead of just one.

Bee Hive


When you press the spacebar a bee appears randomly, goes to the flower, and then back to the bee-hive. The purpose of this project is to learn how to use array lists to control picture boxes.

Wall of Giants


My final project is a game where you have to defend the walls from evil giants trying to wipe out your town. The main goal is to kill enough giants until you can reach the final boss. The purpose of this assignment was to put together all we learned this year into one final assignment.