El Gattito

El Gattito is an inspiring chef from the heart of Sicily who had a humble beginning
before he began his five Michellin star restaurant "El Pizzeria del Gattito".
Once a shoeshiner for his local town, he learned the heart of Italy's star food,
pizza, through traveling around Italy.

However he did not just stop there, he added his own twist to the most beloved dish
in the world. Using only the finest ingredients straight from Italy, El Gattito used
his abilities as a cat to his full advantage and hand-kneads every dough used for his beloved

Today, he is known as simply El Gattito, and as succesful as he's become he still takes
care of his community and plans on starting non-profit organizations bent on improving
society for the future generations and those in need. He will continue making pizza
and may begin franchising his restaurants globally, possibly creating new grocery stores,
restaurants, and other types of stores along the way. This is the story of El Gattito.